Gamerant Pier Solar And The Great Architects (2025)

1. Pier Solar and the Great Architects -

  • Pier Solar was originally designed and developed for the SEGA Mega Drive and SEGA Genesis. Yes, you read that right! It was actually the only newly developed ...

  • Pier Solar was originally designed and developed for the SEGA Mega Drive and SEGA Genesis

2. Pier Solar and the Great Architects HD Review - RPGFan

  • 1 dec 2014 · All of the smooth textures and clean art in the world can't make up for Pier Solar's inexcusably frustrating dungeons and time-wasting battles.

  • All of the smooth textures and clean art in the world can't make up for Pier Solar's inexcusably frustrating dungeons and time-wasting battles.

3. Pier Solar and the Great Architects | Hardcore Gaming 101 - ProBoards

  • 4 okt 2014 · The main guy and his dad have plant based spells because they're florists. His herbal knowledge is actually well-implemented in the plot, and ...

  • The recent indie RPG for Genesis, and now also for a bunch

4. Pier Solar and the Great Architects - PlayStation Store

  • Pier Solar is een RPG die het verhaal van Hoston vertelt, een jonge botanist in een zoektocht om zijn vader te redden van een mysterieuze ziekte.

  • Pier Solar is een RPG die het verhaal van Hoston vertelt, een jonge botanist in een zoektocht om zijn vader te redden van een mysterieuze ziekte. Samen met zijn twee beste vrienden Alina en Edessot gaat hij op zoek naar een zeldzaam kruid om zo de ziekte van Houstons vader te genezen. Ze beseffen niet dat dit het begin is van een opwindende reis die zijn vaders verleden en het mysterie van Pier Solar en de Grote Architecten ontrafeld.brbrPlayStation®4br1 spelerbrDUALSHOCK®4 Vibratie FunctiebrOndersteuning Voor Remote-PlaybrPAL HD 720p,1080i,1080pbrbrPlayStation®3br1 spelerbrPAL HD 720p, 1080i, 1080pbrDUALSHOCK®3brbrDe download is onderhevig aan de servicevoorwaardengebruikersovereenkomst van Sony Entertainment Network en alle andere specifieke, aanvullende bepalingen die op dit product van toepassing zijn. Download dit product niet als je niet met deze voorwaarden akkoord gaat. Raadpleeg de servicevoorwaarden voor meer belangrijke PS4™ Eenmalige licentievergoeding om naar meerdere PS4™-systemen te downloaden. Voor uw primaire PS4™ is aanmelden bij PSN niet vereist om dit te gebruiken, maar het is wel vereist voor gebruik op andere PS4™-systemen.brPS3™ Eenmalige vergoeding voor het gebruik van downloads op maximaal 2 geactiveerde PS3™-systemen.brLees voordat u dit product gebruikt de Gezondheidswaarschuwingen voor belangrijke gezondheidsinformatie.brBibliotheekprogrammas ©Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. exclusief in licentie gegeven aan Sony Computer Entertainme...

5. Pier Solar and the Great Architects - Hardcore Gaming 101

  • 23 okt 2014 · Three children in a generic fantasy world explore a forbidden cave near their village, where they happen upon the remains of an ancient civilization a warning.

6. Pier Solar and the Great Architects Reviews - Metacritic

  • Overall, Pier Solar is just an average JRPG at best. Perhaps some of its novelty was lost due to it being a downloadable title rather than an actual, physical ...

  • Pier Solar is a love letter to the rich, imaginiative 16-bit RPGs of a bygone era. It was originally designed and developed for the SEGA Mega Drive & SEGA Genesis. Yes, you read that right!! It was actually the only freshly developed of its kind in the new millennium. It's not a port, fan translation, or a copy of any other game. Pier Solar is a 100% brand new, entirely original,16-bit RPG with an original world, storyline, soundtrack, characters, enemies and a unique battle style.

7. Pier Solar and the Great Architects Review (PC) - Retro 101

  • 12 nov 2014 · Pier Solar has certainly taken a unique road to reaching modern systems. Originally released as a home brew Mega Drive game the HD version ...

  • Pier Solar has certainly taken a unique road to reaching modern systems. Originally released as a home brew Mega Drive game the HD vers...

8. Pier Solar and the Great Architects (Video Game) - TV Tropes

  • This game provides examples of: · Adam Smith Hates Your Guts: Played straight with better weapons, armor, accessories, and medicines. · Behind the Black ...

  • Pier Solar and the Great Architects is an Eastern RPG developed and published by WaterMelon, chiefly notable for being the only game so far that was developed in the 21st century for Sega Genesis (a few games were published on it after 2000, like …

9. Pier Solar and the Great Architects Reviews - OpenCritic

  • Pier Solar and the Great Architects is rated 'Weak' after being reviewed by 13 critics, with an overall average score of 61. It's ranked in...

  • Pier Solar and the Great Architects is rated 'Weak' after being reviewed by 13 critics, with an overall average score of 61. It's ranked in the bottom 19% of games and recommended by 8% of...

10. Pier Solar and the Great Architects (2014) - MobyGames

  • 5 mrt 2023 · ... game Pier Solar and the Great Architects following a crowd funding campaign. It is a JRPG game with turn-based battles. Originally designed ...

  • Pier Solar and the Great Architects is an enhanced remake of the 2010 Genesis game Pier Solar and the Great Architects following a crowd funding campaign. It is a JRPG game with turn-based battles. Originally designed as a game to resemble the 16-bit...

11. Pier Solar and the Great Architects - RPGFan

  • Pier Solar and the Great Architects. Game Overview. Essentials. Genre(s) ... RPGFan is a gaming website focused on roleplaying games and related genres ...

  • Extensive RPG coverage since 1998

12. Pier Solar and the Great Architects (2014) - Backloggd

  • 29 sep 2014 · In the peaceful town of Reja there live three best friends: Hoston, Alina and Edessot. Young and curious, they want to go on a herb-seeking ...

  • In the peaceful town of Reja there live three best friends: Hoston, Alina and Edessot. Young and curious, they want to go on a herb-seeking quest to help cure Hoston's father's illness. Little do they know ... it will be the beginning of their lifetime journey where they will learn the true meaning of friendship and the thrill of adventure. This journey will demand their courage and wisdom to solve a long-lost mystery while they face the evil forces dispatched by a mysterious entity. Through this escapade, they will be reborn as great heroes to protect the universe from imminent destruction.

13. Pier Solar and the Great Architects Forum - TrueAchievements

  • Got questions about Pier Solar and the Great Architects? Come and discuss them on the official game forum. Talk about the game's achievements and set up ...

  • Got questions about Pier Solar and the Great Architects? Come and discuss them on the official game forum. Talk about the game's achievements and set up Gaming Sessions to earn them.

14. Pier Solar and the Great Architects - LaunchBox Games Database

  • In the peaceful town of Reja there live three best friends: Hoston, Alina and Edessot. Young and curious, they want to go on a herb-seeking quest to help ...

  • In the peaceful town of Reja there live three best friends: Hoston, Alina and Edessot. Young and curious, they want to go on a herb-seeking quest to help cure Hoston's father's illness. Little do they know ... it will be the beginning of their...

Gamerant Pier Solar And The Great Architects (2025)
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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Views: 5819

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.